Thursday Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:10-12
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 2:11
11 For who among men knows the things of a man except the spirit of man within him? So also no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.
Why is it that we hear people say that they know what others are going to do? If we think about it, nobody knows what someone else is going to do because nobody knows the inner workings of someone else’s mind. Yes we can have a pretty good guess at what others will do based on things they have done in the past but we certainly do not know their thoughts! This means that no other person can know your thoughts either... If you want to be able to make sure that someone knows your thoughts on a subject then you have to be bold enough to tell them about it!
So when people come forward and say that they know what God thinks about things then they are either hoping for a bit of publicity and will admit that they know nothing or they are basing their thoughts on what God has done in the past. Yes God will reveal things to us through the Holy Spirit but they will not be things that go against His Word because everything that He has said is the truth and He will not go back on the truth... So the people that say that the world will end in 2012 have obviously not read their bibles!
This does not mean that we can go forward and keep all manner of strange thoughts in our minds without worrying about anyone else finding them out – we have this capacity to play out of thoughts in real life just when we don’t want to... The more we think about something the more likely we are to do that when we least expect it; that is just the way we are. God is the one who can see into our hearts and into our minds because He is the one who created us. So when we have issues in our heads then He will be trying to talk to us through the Holy Spirit so that we know how to get ourselves out of the hole we seem to be digging for ourselves. Nobody around us will know what is going on in our heads until it is too late – but God already knows and so He is the one who will offer help first. Listen to His help and act on it before it’s too late!
Points to Ponder:
What goes through your head?
Are you ignoring God and following your thoughts instead?