Thursday 21 Jul 2016

July 21: Isaiah 63:11-13

Key Verse: Isaiah 63:12
Who led them by the right hand of Moses, With His glorious arm, Dividing the water before them To make for Himself an everlasting name,

I love reading God’s Word when it reminds me of so much which has happened in the past and so much which is still going to happen. The prophet Isaiah told of many things from the past and many things which were still going to come. Hundreds of years before the prophet lived, stories are remembered and put here to remind us of the wonders God has done and continues to plan in our lives. Hundreds of years after the prophet died, we read about things which happened and are still to come.

I don’t know of any other book which has such as span over time with an insight into mankind and our spiritual connection with God; all written with so much love and care by someone who was closely connected with God. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be able to be so connected with Him too – and then I am reminded of all the things which He has personally done in my life and I realise we are all very well connected!

As I sit at home in relative safety with the front door wide open to let the warm breeze fill the house I marvel at how much God loves me to allow me the opportunity of being in such a blessed place at this time in history. Then I try to listen harder to Him and find out what it is He has in store for me.

Don’t be worried you are not being verbally called just as Samuel was called. Don’t worry you do not have someone like Eli bringing you up. Don’t worry you are not following an amazing leader like Moses through a desert. Be thankful for all God is allowing into your own life so you have the opportunity to do the best you can for God! Be the best, where you are, when you are and with God!

Points to Ponder:
Are you waiting for the right time and place?

Are you listening to God right now?