July 25: Numbers 23:19-20
Key Verse: Numbers 23:19
“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
Balaam’s prophecies to Balak were quite direct in their content and squarely aimed at Balak, but we can and still do learn so much from them. This, in particular is such a good reminder of the position of God and Christ. We are created beings, created in an amazing and beautiful way to do good and to worship God; and yet we fall so far short of the mark and do so many things wrong.
We were not created as any other beings anywhere from being angels down to the lowest animals in the food chain. Instead God created us to do the worshipping and repenting. We are the ones who get things wrong, we are the one who need to say sorry for the things we do wrong. God does not have to repent or say sorry because He is God.
When God says He is going to do something we had better be ready for it because He is going to make it happen. When God has spoken about things which will happen in the future, we had better be ready for those things to happen because they will. He has not broken promises like we do. He has not forgotten about things like we do. God is Just and He is Holy.
When God says He is going to bless someone then that is exactly what is going to happen. Even if none of us agree this should happen, God knows best and He will do what is right. I know there have been times in my life when I thought people should get what they deserve in my mind and yet they are blessed by God for what they are doing behind the scenes. I know God continues to bless many people and continues to work with so many more. I pray He will give us insight into their lives so we can help to bless them too.
Points to Ponder:
Do you get grumpy when others get rewards?
Have you tried to focus on God’s work instead of prizes?
Monday 25 Jul 2016
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