Sunday 7 Aug 2016

August 7: Psalm 37:7-8

Key Verse: Psalm 37:8
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret—it only causes harm.

How many times have you asked yourself “why are they so successful when they are so evil?” How many times have you been tempted to join in with a bit of “fun” just so you can enjoy a bit of the success they are enjoying? We may look at some people we know to be evil or at least dishonest and wonder why they can go through their whole life with apparent ease and end up with a whole lot of money and belongings. We may even look at them and think how nice it would be to be in their position for a short while. What we have to remember is how they are getting their success and what is going to happen to them when they die.

Firstly, their success is going to be governed by sin or evil deeds – they live their life a one big lie after another. Just imagine how that must eat at their soul, how that must bother them day by day. They may turn around and say they have no worries, but that will end very abruptly when they begin to think about what they are doing. Secondly, if they continue to live their lives without Christ, then they are going to die without Christ and will end up alongside Satan in hell. What they are doing is enjoying the carnival for a few years and then they will have to pay for the damage and eternal separation from God afterwards.

We should not be burdening ourselves with their lifestyles, nor being envious of their lifestyles – being so would then allow Satan to tempt us day by day until we do give in to his evil ways. Living with one eye on evil allows us to follow evil and to be tempted into doing parts of that evil just so we can join in the fun. If we do follow that route, then we will be amongst those evildoers when they are cut down by the truth... We probably will not even be discriminated from them when they are cut down!

God wants us to live our lives according to His will and to His ways. He made us capable of doing so as long as we keep on the narrow path.

Points to Ponder:
How many successful people do you know who are actually honest?

Satan has the success market pretty well sew up through greed and envy!