Thursday 11 Aug 2016

August 11: Acts 7:54-58

Key Verse: Acts 7:54
When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth.

One thing we may well never be able to understand is just why some people get so upset about us being Christians. We are going to meet people who will say all sorts of things behind our backs, yet be unable to say things to our faces. We will meet people who will be bold enough to say things to our faces. And then, if we are unlucky, we may get to meet people who will simply despise us for being a Christian! If we are able to call upon Christ at these stages and trust in Him for protection, then we are worthy of being called a Christian!

Too many times in our lives we do what Peter did and turn round to say we don't know Him when we are faced with a situation where we could be outcast because of our faith. Standing up for Christ is what people need to see from us – they need to see how we have enough conviction to be able to stand up and be counted as a Christian! Without us showing that conviction, how are others supposed to believe we truly believe in what we say we do.

We are told how The Word of God is sharp as a two-edged sword – and that it is! With God's Word we are able to cut down anyone. But if we get to someone who will just not listen to His Word, but reject it all the time, we may well be facing someone who will object to His Word strongly when it counts. Walking away and pretending not to believe in Christ is not the way to approach this sort of situation. Standing fast on God's immovable word is! We will not all have to face what Stephen faced here, but we will get some rejection.

We may face all sorts of excuses about why people don't want to believe in Christ. We will see how people throw things back in our faces to try and say how God's Word contradicts itself – be patient, read a little more and show them the truth. The truth is not hard to find if you are willing to seek it!

Points to Ponder:
How many people know you as a true Christian?

How many people know you are not willing to bend the rules?