August 31: 2 Corinthians 3:12-18
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 3:14
But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ.
Our biggest problem as human beings is that we don't know when to ask for help... We always leave it until it is far too late! It seems in all walks in life we are trying to be independent, but in doing so we turn our lives into a race against ourselves. We try to go it alone in all cases to prove we are independent when we should be asking for help. We cannot go through life depending on others for everything, but there has got to be a limit before which we ask for help – it's just finding the limit which we find difficult.
How many times have (or did) your parents or friends said to you they wanted to help and you should ask for help? How many of those times did you continue to go it alone until you had gone too far and broke something, maybe yourself? It is at those times we know if we had asked, things would have been explained to us so we would have been better prepared for the task in hand. Just asking once would have made all the difference!
It's not just us who are in this situation – all of history will show many people who have gone through exactly the same. Here in this passage we are reminded the people of Israel continued to try and find things their own way, they continued to uphold the law from the old testament because it had happened that way in the past. They were not willing to change to believe in Christ. If only they had, they would have had a huge burden lifted from themselves!
Each time one of us call on Christ to be our Saviour, we have the potential to answer questions from within through the Holy Spirit. Christ made sure we knew that the Holy Spirit can explain things to us as well as comforting us. Christ wanted our eyes to be open to help because He continues to offer that help to us – even if we do ignore it!
Points to Ponder:
Do you ask your friends to help when things get rough?
Christ continue to offer help – are you asking?
Wednesday 31 Aug 2016
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