Monday 26 Sep 2016

September 26: Proverbs 15:13-15

Key Verse: Proverbs 15:13
A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, But by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

With our knowledge that Christ is with us and for us all the time, we have every reason to be happy all the time. And if we are happy all the time, then that is going to show in our faces – others will be able to see how we are happy. But if we allow our burdens in life to get us down, we are going to show them even more quickly! No matter how good we think we are at hiding our feeling, our friends will be able to see when we are down and when we are happy. God just needs to look in our hearts...

If we are willing to believe in God, then we are going to want to learn more about Him. We are going to want to seek knowledge and information about Him and to learn what He would have us to do. It will be our own feelings which will draw us closer to Him and to continue seeking Him. The closer we get, the more we understand just how much He has done for us and the happier we will be. But when we start casting doubt on things, we start to dig ourselves a big pit and pretty soon feel trapped within it. The more we pull away from God, the more things we make up to support our own theories so we can live the way we want to. But underneath all of this we know in our hearts it is wrong and that is what causes the anguish and pain.

The more we convince ourselves we are ok by ourselves, the more we draw away from God. The more that we do, the more we are piling up on ourselves. When one single thing goes wrong, we then start to collapse in on that one thing as if it was everything which was holding our lives together. We suddenly find it seems like our world is falling down around our eyes...

But if we have that faith to stand up and know God is with us, then any issue will seem minor when compared to the Rock that is Jesus. Our Rock will hold us steady through even the roughest times...

Points to Ponder:
How many things in your life do you think you cannot do without?

How many things are you willing to give to God for safe keeping?