Thursday 29 Sep 2016

September 29: Titus 2:1-10

Key Verse: Titus 2:10
not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.

Some rules that we have to face in life seem too harsh for us to follow whilst others seem too minor for us to even think about keeping. But if we were to start ignoring rules, then we may as well ignore random ones or even all of them rather than to think we have the wisdom and knowledge to be able to choose the right ones! Our history as humans has proven that we are no good at choosing the right rules! We always seem to get carried away with what we are up to and break a few more rules along the way!

That is why the Bible is full of minor rules and guidance as well as having the major 10 commandments. If we only had the 10 commandments, we would find ways of getting round them – we always look for a way round the law rather than obeying it blindly... That is our sin nature...

Read through verses 2 to 6. Each verse gives encouragement to do the right thing. But notice also each verse is linked with others – we are not to try and go it alone, for doing that would be like trying to wade over a deep river. We are to do things together, encouraging each other – trying to live as a body of believers, not as individual believers. How are we to do that? Through following God's Word...

It is not hard to pick on others and point out what is wrong in their lives – but it is hard to admit to our own faults. Finding fault within ourselves, admitting those faults and taking them to Christ is our first step. Then listening to Christ and changing our attitude towards those faults is the next step – but without Christ, we cannot understand how to change. If we try to describe to others how they should change without bringing God into the conversation, then we are fighting a losing battle from the start. But if we are willing to show others a perfect example, Christ, through us, then we are going in the right direction. Asking Christ for that help so we can be examples for others to see is a step we can all take which may seem a very minor step, but has far reaching consequences!

Points to Ponder:
How would you rate yourself when compared to others?

Have you ever considered yourself when compared to Christ?