Wednesday 12 Oct 2016

October 12: Luke 11:33-36

Key Verse: Luke 11:34
The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness.

How many times have you got up when it was still dark and banged you shins or your toes on something you had forgotten was in your room? The sensible thing to do would be to turn the light on, but for most of us there is some strange reason for not doing so! The one thing we do need when it is dark is light, without it we are virtually blind, in a state where we find ourselves at a big disadvantage than we were a few minutes or hours before.

A blind person would probably not have that problem because they would have learned to keep their rooms tidy so they would not have things to trip over! We don't tend to take so much care because we assume we will be able to see the danger and hence avoid it.

On the flip side of the coin, a blind person is spared the horrible mess, graffiti and general bad state of repair of much of our surroundings in the streets. A Blind person does not have to put up with having to see horrible sights. We cannot avoid seeing some sights, though we do have a choice as to whether we should turn away; but how many times you do stare in disbelief or in sheer horror?

We live in a world which is full of obstacles that are both physical and spiritual. We use our eyes to guide us through the maze of obstacles we come across each day. Those same eyes are what we learn with. If we continually watch and learn from fighting and other bad things, we will grow up with a life full of fighting etc. But if we learn from a good source, then our lives are going to be full of better ideas. God wants each one of us to learn from Christ's example so we can focus our lives on being more like Him. He continues to give us instruction and example through His Word so we can be some sort of example for others around us. If we can be a single light in the darkness around us, others will be able to see and not have to stumble on things in their dark lives.

Points to Ponder:
Do you pick friends for what they do or what they believe in?

What sort of example do you think you are for Christ?