Sunday 16 Oct 2016

October 16: Psalm 119:33-36

Key Verse: Psalm 119:36
Incline my heart to Your testimonies, And not to covetousness.

Let me state the obvious... In order to learn something, you have to be taught! Whether you are going to learn it the hard way (by trial and error) or the easy way (by listening to someone) is up to you. We each have a choice as to how we are going to advance through life and we have to live with the consequences of those choices!

The obvious answer must therefore be to seek knowledge and wisdom from greater sources of knowledge so you can learn. But the next choice is whether you are actually going to listen to that advice or to discard it. If we are going to be wise, then we would listen to all sources of knowledge and ensure we follow the good advice. Not to go and do something which is similar to the advice given, but by following it as it was designed to be followed!

If we follow that good advice once and then turn our backs on it the next day, we are not going to get very far on the second day! If we are then going to make an effort to follow the advice properly, we have to structure our living so we can follow said advice in everything we do rather than just one time. If we choose to not follow the advice, we are assuming we know more than our source of knowledge – there-in is the problem... we probably lack the understanding of the long-term problem and have immediately broken down the sound advice from the beginning with our false assumptions later on!

So how do we go about changing our lives in the right way? First we seek out the right source of knowledge; not ourselves, but God. Next we seek to follow the advice daily, not just when it suits us. If we want to understand the problem, we have to listen to the entire solution, not just the part we think we like. Seeking out God's will is not that hard a task; we have it written plain and simple in our Bibles. Following that advice in its entirety and not just in part is where we fall down... Far too often we let our own desires get in the way of that good advice!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you turn down good advice?

How often do you find it hard to follow God's advice?