Wednesday 19 Oct 2016

October 19: Isaiah 50:4-9

Key Verse: Isaiah 50:4
“The Lord God has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak A word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear To hear as the learned.

Wisdom is a two way street – we need to use our wisdom to show others what we have learned as well as to be able to listen and learn from others. God gives us the ability to understand as well as to explain. When we start out learning, we take a whole lot of information in which has to be explained to us because we cannot discern the good stuff from the useless. We continue to use our new knowledge and wisdom to gain more knowledge and wisdom as God explains things to us in our lives. Every day is a new day whereby we can learn more from those around us as well as help them to see the truth.

God gave us a heart which is not rebellious, once which will not turn our backs on Him. Whether we use our new-found wisdom to do things right or to find another way round the rules is our choice. He gives us the strength to stand up to our adversaries. He gives us stamina to stand up to the mockers. He also gives us boldness to take His Word out to others. Whether we use any of these to do His Will is still our choice.

Our God is the God who has made heaven and earth. Our God is the God who set time in its place. Our God is the maker, the creator; who can stand against Him. Our God is on our side! No matter who tries to stand up to us, as long as we have God on our side, who can hope to do anything against us? But never get complacent because He is always willing to allow us to learn something new at any time – whether we like it or not!

We have the choice to be like Isaiah and to take everything which God gives us with open arms, or to sit there and pretend that we have not received anything...

Points to Ponder:
What new things have you learned about your friends this week so far?

Are you learning from God as quickly as from your friends?