Friday 28 Oct 2016

October 28: Psalm 19:1-6

Key Verse: Psalm 19:6
Its rising is from one end of heaven, And its circuit to the other end; And there is nothing hidden from its heat.

Have you ever looked at a painting and thought “I wonder what random set of events lead to this painting being created by itself”? I think not! You are more likely to think about the wonders of the picture and then of who could create such a masterpiece (assuming it is a good picture). For every effect that we see we know that there was a cause...

We need only gaze out of our window, look up in the sky, across a field or even down at the grass to know that there is something bigger than just 'chance' at work. We can study all we like but still come to the conclusion that there is order in our universe from the settings of galaxies down to the settings of molecules – there is order; though it may seem like chaos at times. The more we study, the more we realise the order has design; a design which is far and above our simple intelligence.

Each day we see come and go, each sunrise and each sunset – all are here to glorify God. Each one shows us God’s handiwork. Each one reminds us of His power. Each one reminds us of His love for us. How can we not see the love whereby the world around us has been created in such beauty and splendour so we may be happy! How can we not rejoice in the sun which rises and gives us warmth and sustains us. How can we not be amazed by the number of stars we see at night. All for us. All for His glory!

If you have seen how a bridegroom stands in front of the church with full radiance, standing proud as if his life is about to start... that is how we should see the sun that God has provided for us each day. We may not see it each day, but we know it is there and still rising each day as created, following the path as created and giving life to the rest of God's creation. Each day brings us another change to rejoice in what God has created for us. Let us rejoice and be happy in HIM!

Points to Ponder:
What is it you like most about this planet?

Have you thanked God for it today?