Friday 4 Nov 2016

November 4: 2 Corinthians 13:11-14

Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 13:11
Finally, brethren, farewell. Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.

If only we could take heed of such a blessing and to be able to know we could go out and follow it! Society has changed somewhat over the years to the extent that our greetings are not much like they used to be. To be able to greet someone and to be able to show your Christian love for them by giving them a holy kiss may well be taken the wrong way nowadays in western society.

We have given so many things a bad report (or bad name) by taking things too far.  We have allowed our lustful thoughts and feeling take control of our society. We have allowed all those things which are bad to seep into our world and pollute it with evil. It is little wonder our Bible warns us about a little evil spreading quickly through any good culture. It is little wonder we give in to such things just as Adam and Eve did so many years ago.

If we want to be able to change things in our society, then we should start by working at things from where we have control – immediately around us. We will be able to start showing Christian love to those around us. From there, others will be able to learn just how much we do care for others. But because of the way things have gone bad for so many years, we will have a great struggle ahead of us! We need to be able to show we care. We need to be able to show caring does comfort others. We need to demonstrate that by working together we can achieve more. We need to show it is possible to live in peace and put war aside.

That is the way God would have us live, and He would find it a pleasure to be with us if we were to take His name forward and show others all of the above is possible so long as we have God by our side. Through God we can achieve it all. It is only through His grace we can be saved, so working with Him will allow us to show others about His grace...

Points to Ponder:
Do you find it hard to be good and agreeable?

How did Jesus achieve so much whilst here on earth?