Saturday 12 Nov 2016

November 12: Jeremiah 10:23-24

Key Verse: Jeremiah 10:24
O Lord, correct me, but with justice; Not in Your anger, lest You bring me to nothing.

When was the last time you had to learn something the hard way? Mine was not such a long time ago! In fact, I spent a good two hours trying to hunt down a problem that I had caused by simply taking the wrong version of a program! Who would have thought that the difference between version 4.3 and 4.4 would bring down the whole email system for a company!

Some mistakes in our life are expensive, not just in monetary terms, but in time and effort. Then there are the mistakes which cause personal discomfort or grief – those we try to avoid! Some mistakes are just an annoyance and we tend to live with them! Some mistakes go unnoticed for a long time and only come back to haunt us after we have all but forgotten them!

We will never truly be able to understand the grace God bestows upon us until we are with Him in eternity. We continue to make mistakes in our lives where we know we have upset God through making a mistake or choosing the wrong choice. We continue to try and do our best for Him but fall short of the mark every time, knowing that there is better things to come!

But where would we be without a gentle prod with a sharp stick (so to speak)? We would continue to do things wrong because we did not understand the situation, or we just believed everything was ok in our own minds! God is the only one who has the knowledge of the universe and He alone is able to guide us perfectly. Our problem is that we don't always listen when He tries to tell us. We need God to be able to warn us when things start to go wrong and we need to listen to Him when He warns us. We need to listen before He has to repeatedly tell us things are not right! The last thing we need in our lives is the wrath of God!

Points to Ponder:
How many times do you warn friends when they get things wrong?

How many times does God have to warn you?