Tuesday 15 Nov 2016

November 15: Mark 8:13-21

Key Verse: Mark 8:21
So He said to them, “How is it you do not understand?”

What is your first reaction when someone tells you something you don't believe? Do you simply turn them down, or do you turn around and ask them to prove it themselves? Our lives are full of times when we are faced with unbelievable instances, be them things we see and don't understand, or hear and don't think possible. God has given us an amazing reference book which is full of descriptions written down, not just by one person but by multiple people. Yet we have problems believing...

It is not just us! The chief priests of Israel had issues with believing Jesus. They knew the scriptures told them of a Messiah who was going to come and do miracles, but they did not want to believe that Christ would come to us as a lowly carpenter’s son. Every step of the way they would try to trip Him up so they could have something against Jesus. They would continually try to force Christ into situations which would force a decision on Him. They continued to temp Him.

Each time Christ would respond with what is written in the scriptures or would reprove them by reminding them of something He had done a few days or weeks earlier. Christ wanted to make sure He was not on call to do tricks, but that He was there to do things when people needed Him to do things. There was (and still is) no way He would perform tricks or miracles on demand. Yet if there is a genuine need, He has no problem with doing a miracle at any time and any place!

We must continually remember our God is a Just and Faithful God who will continue to do things for us as they are required. He continues to look after us as our parents do. He continues to love us. He continues to make things possible – even when we do not remember to ask. What we need to do is remember it is Him who is looking out for us and that He is our God, no matter what other people try and come up with!

Points to Ponder:
So you always believe your friends? Are they always truthful?

Do you believe God can do anything? (the answer is in the Bible)