Sunday 27 Nov 2016

November 27: Jeremiah 17:10

Key Verse: Jeremiah 17:10
I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

Personally, I have never tried to “drive” a horse... The biggest 4-legged beast I have been in charge of (loosely said) has been a donkey, and that was without reins! But I can imagine how you would have to pull and tug at the reins to make sure the horse is going to go exactly where you want it to. Mind you, if you watch some of the horses on television, they seem to know exactly where they should be going... Is it any wonder then this same illustration is used by The Lord?

Much of the time in our lives we know where we should be going and we just refuse to go there, or we shy away from it the first time. We know we should be going in the right direction, but somehow we just don't have the courage or will power to go there. We know our Master is telling us to go there and we know we should trust Him... but... Anyone would think that we think we know better!

There are going to be hurdles in our lives where we do not know what is on the other side. At those stages we have to put our trust in someone who does know what is on the other side. That is a very hard thing to do and just about anyone could come along and get you to refuse those hurdles. We are just waiting for some excuse to be able to refuse to go there! That is where Satan knows he can attack us. He knows he can attack from just about anywhere and have the same result because we are not trusting in Our Lord.

To be able to have that sort of trust takes faith. Faith in Christ. We should have all the proof in the world we need. We have His Word. We have the world. We have so much proof that we can trust in Him. Yet we simply refuse because we don't know. Well, that is what faith is about. Trusting in God over things that we don't know. He is going to try to steer us by showing us the right way, but ultimately we have to make the right choice otherwise we are just not going to go in the right direction.

Points to Ponder:
Do you trust your friends and family?

Why don't we trust God as much as them?