Tuesday 29 Nov 2016

November 29: 1 Peter 1:6-7

Key Verse: 1 Peter 1:7
that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honour, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ

Even though we can be as “happy as a lark” (a singing bird) one day and “down in the dumps” (rubbish) the next day, each day can be lived in the knowledge that what we have with Christ is going to last forever. Each day can be lived to the full in the knowledge that Christ is with us and is protecting us and is our Creator who is in control!

We may well see tough times coming up ahead and we are probably not looking forward to those times at all; but we can be safe in the knowledge that those times are for a reason. They may be to strengthen our resolve, to make us more able to stand up to what we cannot see ahead, or they may just be so we can learn more about life and its pitfalls.

We can know that when Christ returns, all we have been through will be set aside as we join Him in heaven. We can know all that we are going through is in some way for the glory of Jesus Christ. He is the one who gave it all up for us on the cross so we can live our lives safely in the knowledge we will join Him when He returns.

Gold may be a very precious metal and may well drive the market prices up and down, but that is all it is... an object... and object which has a limited lifespan, stuck in these times. Think of all that gold has been through so it can be made to be as pure as possible. Think of the thousands of tonnes of earth which are removed just to bring back one ingot of gold. All that time set aside just for something which is going to fade away when this world ends. Our souls are going to continue living on, even after gold and silver fade away. Our souls are going to be destined for the place where we choose to live. I am happy I can go through trials knowing my place is being prepared for me in heaven by Christ Himself!

Points to Ponder:
How short do some “friends” last?

Is your love for God based on a solid rock?