Monday 5 Dec 2016

December 5: Proverbs 17:6

Key Verse: Proverbs 17:6
Children’s children are the crown of old men, And the glory of children is their father.

Do you, or did you get spoiled by your grand-parents? All the time, or just when your parents aren't watching? There is something special about grandparents and the way that it seems acceptable for them to spoil you. They are allowed to show their joy by buying you things and by allowing you to do things that your parents may not... but it does not mean we should take advantage of that!

Have you noticed how your attitude changes when you are with different people? Have you realised you may be more relaxed when you are with people who you know will allow you to do things differently? Have you noticed things may get tense when you know you are not allowed to do something but you want to do it? Have you noticed how your parents seem to know what you are about to do... and that annoys you!

We live with our parents to start with and they are able to watch us most days to see how we react to things and to see what sort of trouble we get up to. They are aware of the things that we like to do and will try their best to allow us to do some things but not to get into trouble. Parents are always looking out for their children – no matter what age! That is the way children are able to know they can always depend on parents... Have you ever told someone that your dad would come and sort them out? We do that sort of thing because we know from experience that parents do sort things out... when we ask...

God is watching over us all the time. He continues to know exactly what sort of things we get up to. So long as we keep ignoring Him, we will never be able to learn what He does not want in our lives. Just like children rebelling against parents, we continue to rebel against God. Yes, He can step in and put a stop to it, but He would rather that we learn to make the right choices by ourselves. He would rather allow us to see the faults we make and aim to correct things. He is always there ready to help... we just need to ask...

Points to Ponder:
What would your parents think of your friends?

Are you seeking God's instructions, or carrying on rebelling?