Thursday 29 Dec 2016

December 29: Deuteronomy 8:10-18

Key Verse: Deuteronomy 8:17
then you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.’

Think back to the last time that you had something really great happen to you and think back to the last time that something bad happened. What was the first thing that you thought of?  When something bad happened, you probably thought of the consequences. You may even have thought about how anyone could have let this happen to you! Yet when something good happened to you, you probably thought about how good you were to get that right!

Our perceptions of how good or bad things are also vary with our thoughts and our own abilities. The better we are at something, the more we expect we should be able to achieve. The better we think we are at something, the more we think we should be able to achieve. The one thing we should never forget is exactly where we get the abilities to do those things from. We may think we have learned so many things because we are so clever... But who is the one who has given us the powers of deduction? Who created us is such a wonderful package?

The more we read up about the history of man, the more we are able to find out about how God has supplied man with so many things over the years. The more we find out, the more that we begin to understand just how much He loves us! The more we understand that, the more we are willing to believe and trust in Him. The more we trust in Him, the closer our walk will Him. The closer our walk, the more He is able to do things for and with us.

As we look back at the presents we got for Christmas, we need to remember some of the presents God has given us over the years, not just in our own life-times, but throughout the history of time.

Points to Ponder:
What has been your best present this year?

What has been God's best gift to mankind?