Sunday 1 Jan 2017

January 1: James 3:13-18

Key Verse: James 3:17
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! What have you decided you are going to resolve to do this year? What do you think you are going to be able to do differently this year? It is amazing how many people come up with brilliant ideas for the new year but find it almost impossible to keep to them – most are because unrealistic goals have been set or because the wrong approach was used from the start!

Amongst the things I have read that people wish to do each year are things like “pray every day”, “read the bible every day”, “be more healthy”, “be more ecological”, “be happy”, “learn a new language” or even “identify 100 things which make me happy!” If I were to get a list of things people have vowed to do this year, praying more and reading the bible would come in the top 100, but probably only just. People would still rather try to find their own happiness rather than facing up to the truth.

For us to be able to do anything this year, we have to show a bit of wisdom in choosing what we are going to do and then to follow in Jesus' footsteps. What use is trying to go out and accomplish anything this year unless we know that Christ will be behind us? We have been told we should be more Christ-Like and so we should, but only by seeking to expand ourselves in ways which He would approve of. If we try to do things He does not approve of, then should we even expect Him to be behind us?

One of the first things which we need to accomplish is to be of good conversation. This word is not used in the “gossiping” way that we think, but rather in our outward appearance; but your appearance is not just the way we look but everything that makes us who we are. We need to be able to show others that we mean it just like Jesus showed everyone around Him. Depending on Him for guidance will allow us to show others just how special He can be in our lives.

Points to Ponder:
So what are you going to start with this year?

Will God approve?