Wednesday 11 Jan 2017

January 11: Colossians 3:17-24

Key Verse: Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

One thing which we continue to learn, no matter how old we are, is that with privileges, comes duty. Those privileges normally are given to us because we have done something for someone, and to continue receiving those privileges, we should continue working at something or for someone.

This does not mean we have to be slave labour to anyone or that we have to do things which we would otherwise never even think of doing; what it means is we have to keep on doing the things which we agreed to do in the beginning! When a couple get married, they are agreeing to have a faithful, just and loving relationship with each other – that becomes their duty. They should not be entering in to any relationship if they are not willing to fulfil the duties which will be required of them.

Children should gain many privileges from having parents... food, love, care, security... their duty should be to continue obeying their parents so they are brought up in the same reasonable manner. Parents have learned a lot more about life than children, simply because they have been alive a lot longer – parents have wisdom which exceeds children's in ways we will not understand until we have learned about life as well.

Doing something with attitude is not going to help anyone. You are upsetting the person who asked you to do it, probably short cutting what you are doing because of your attitude and you lose sight of the real gain from what you are doing! To be able to do it humbly or heartily will show that you are not only willing and able, but want to do it as well. This will please your partner or parent... and God! Just knowing that God is watching should be enough for anyone to realise we do things for God all the time!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you promise and never deliver?

God's promises stand forever and are always delivered!