Sunday 22 Jan 2017

January 22: 2 Samuel 22:29-37

Key Verse: 2 Samuel 22:33
God is my strength and power, And He makes my way perfect.

Too many times we forget just what God is in our lives. We assume He walks with us in what we are doing without giving thought to whether He would approve of what we do day by day. We assume what we do is correct. It is only when something rocks the boat that we suddenly find out what He means to us. He is our perfect, unmoveable, just, loving, caring, encouraging, strengthening, wise rock on which we can build our entire lives.

David continued to find how God was always there for Him, through the good times and the bad times, the support was always there. God's wisdom and strength was always there for David and all he had to do was ask for it. His guidance was always there. His light in darkness. His perfect way. Every way in which David needed support was always fully fulfilled by God. Nothing else in his life could even come close to that fulfilment which he got from God.

Each time we get into trouble, we turn to God. Each time we have something go wrong in our lives, we turn to Him. Each time we feel trapped with no way out, we turn to Him. Yet, each time we have doubt, we try to work it out ourselves. Each time we are faced with something that frightens us, we turn to Him. Each time we can see a way out, we try take it rather than trusting in His perfect way. We are the ones who are not consistent in our love towards God. He is always consistent!

Most of the time we look for help when we need it. Most of the time we strive to find a friend or partner who will keep us strong. Most of the time we seek to make things better in our lives. Our strength is in Him. He is the Almighty. He is all powerful. He is our rock and our Salvation. What else could we ever want for in our lives if we fully embraced Him in everything that we do!

Points to Ponder:
Which friends do you depend on?

God wants to be your closest friend and father and carer.