Wednesday 25 Jan 2017

January 25: Romans 13:11-14

Key Verse: Romans 13:14
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil its lusts.

Are you someone who always finds themselves busy, always seems to have things to do and never has time to think about church. Or maybe you go to church but never have time to go to all those other meetings the church seems to have all the time. Have you ever tried putting off a paying a bill such as an electricity bill? Did you end up having to pay in the end, or did you just go to jail instead? That may sound harsh, but when we have physical things to do, we end up doing them before it is too late. Why? Because we have a deadline that we can see. But the deadline that is ahead for Christ to return and take His people home is getting ever closer... it's just that we cannot see it and have no concept of how long away it is.

What happens when we wake up? Well, after a while we get dressed, we put on clothes which are appropriate for the day. When we accept Christ as our Saviour, we are moving from darkness into light. The new day of the rest of our lives has begun. Is it not appropriate that we “dress” our lives accordingly. We need to put away the ways which we lived before we became Christians and put on ways which are becoming of a Christian. Doing things in the wrong way will make us stick out like a sore thumb! People know we are Christians and they expect us to act accordingly. God knows we have accepted Him and He expects us to do something about it! We need to make sure we live our lives honestly, decently and becoming as a Christian.

We do need to walk... not stand still... If we do not walk, then others will never get to see us and never get to be encouraged. We accept a duty to take God's ways back into the world so others will see that it is better. In doing so, we need to avoid many of the ways of those around so we do set a good example and not just mix back into the crowd doing un-Christian things. Making sure we “put on Jesus Christ” will ensure others will see and ensure we have the perfect protection in our daily lives.

Points to Ponder:
Have you seen the light yet?

Are you dressed and ready for work, or still asleep in your pyjamas?