Thursday 2 Feb 2017

February 2: Colossians 4:18

Key Verse: Colossians 4:18
This salutation by my own hand—Paul. Remember my chains. Grace be with you. Amen.

Paul seemed to spend a lot of time in prison because of various accusations from people, but each of those reasons was linked to his Faith. No matter what got in his way, he continued to uphold God’s Word above all else. His zeal for getting The Word out was extraordinary. At the time when he wrote this epistle to the Colossians he was probably not too comfortable – can you imagine being chained to people on either side, and not being able to go anywhere or do anything without them!

Paul dictated this epistle to a scribe who would then write it all down, but, like the others, he would end it in his own hand. His inscription was simple and short – probably not too comfortable trying to write with chains on your hands. But he wanted to make sure a few things did get across. First, that it was actually him sending the letter. His personal subscription would always be added to show others he was always personally involved with each of the churches he wrote to. Typing out a letter is one thing, adding your personal subscription or signature ensures others know it is you.

The next point was that he wanted others to remember he was in prison and chained up because of his love for Christ. He was setting an example to others, showing them how they should be willing to go the extra mile for Christ's sake. There is no way he could have written the whole letter with his own hand; the chains may not have totally prevented him, but his eye sight was also failing him. None of this would stop him from getting personal and writing his own words.

If we want others to know we are believers, then we have to get personal... we have to show them it really is us and God... and that we are willing to go that extra mile to show that Christ is everything!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like being told to stay in or sit still?

Making sure that we rely on God for everything will keep us strong!