Thursday 8 Jun 2017

June 8: Galatians 4:8-11

Key Verse: Galatians 4:9
But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?

We all start in life searching for something to look up to and when we find something which drives us on or something which we desire more than anything, we make that out goal and go for it. We carry on doing this whenever we find something better to aim for in the hopes we will find a better way or better life. We set all sorts of things in high esteem and we treat them like mini gods. You would think that when we get to know God we would put all these things behind us; yet so many times we still hold far too many things of higher position than God.

Whatever we look up to most, whatever we love the most ... that is going to be our god because that is what we are going to aim for most in our lives. The first two commandments God gave to Moses were to make sure we do hold Him highest in our lives and that we do aim for nothing less than His perfection – yet we all do still fall short most of the time.

So many people get caught up in things which they know little of, but because they can change the rules to suit themselves, they continue with those ways of life. So many people think that aiming for inner perfection is something we can all achieve blocking out their reliance or dependence on God. Or they change the rules so God is a God of love and not justice. We must never forget that God is just and He will carry out all that He has promised, even if we don’t like it at the time!

We need to refocus our lives on God and put aside our individual aspirations of becoming more than we are – His children.

Points to Ponder:
Do you ever think you can become your parents’ parents?

How do you think God feels when we try to better Him?