Friday 20 Oct 2017

October 20: Matthew 10:16-20

Key Verse: Matthew 10:17
Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues.

When Jesus was warning the disciples about what lay ahead, it was not about how many people they would face, nor how they would explain His Word, it was about the hearts of man. We should not have to worry about explaining God's Word, or about how we are going to defend it – it's the world we live in which we will have to face up to. No matter where we go, there will always be people out there wanting to give you a hard time. People get jealous about others when they see them happy or content.

When we go out into the world and face people as happy and content Christians, we are showing them what a good life they can have. Many will simply rebel against that and give us a hard time just because we are happy. Others will go further and cause us physical discomfort – in the disciples’ days they were warned about being beaten in the Jewish synagogues! We may even have to face up to people who are accusing us of doing things the wrong way when we follow God's way. People will call us prejudice when we point out the sin in their lives. This sort of thing should not get us down because it is the truth that we need to get out there. How can anyone find the truth if they are hiding behind lies?

When it comes to stepping forward and telling people about God's Word and how it shows them what is wrong, don't let the thoughts about how or what you are going to say get you down. The more you worry about it, the more you will face a mental block. Let the Holy Spirit guide you through things – trust in Him to do exactly that. This is why Christ said we would be given the Holy Spirit, so we do have a constant and abiding guide with us 24/7. Allow Him to give you the words to speak and don't close Him out by giving in to the lifestyles of those around you! Stand firm and proud, knowing He is by your side!

Points to Ponder:
What is your biggest fear about showing God's Word to others?

Ask Him to show you how to deal with it!