Friday 3 Nov 2017

November 3: 2 Peter 3:1-6

Key Verse: 2 Peter 3:3
Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.

The one thing we will always have to face as Christians is scoffers; unbelievers who mock Christianity. If we are going to rest quietly in our belief and allow them to mock us because Christ has not yet come, then we are allowing them to put down the Word of God. We have to be able to stand firm in our belief, stand firm with His Word, stand firm in our Faith and to be able to demonstrate it too. To do this, we have to be more knowledgeable in the scriptures so that we can tell those scoffers the truth and remind them of their folly. Without some knowledge of the truth, they will have no chance at being saved from the destruction of the world.

God has promised Christ will return and will eventually destroy this world to make another. He has backed up His promise by showing how He has kept every promise which He has made in the past. We have the scriptures as proof of everything which has been said and yet to happen. Those same scriptures tell us of things which have happened and history to remind us of everything which has happened. Yet so many choose to ignore this truth because it is not convenient to them. How will they be able to continue their life in sin if they have to stand up to the truth.

How easily people have forgotten how God destroyed the earth through a flood in the past. How easy it is to forget things over time. How easy it is to forget things which are not convenient. Yet God does not. He continues to watch over us and continues to be saddened by our lack of faith as a world. He knows He could come down and convince everyone by facing us face to face without a choice, but He wants to be able to give us the free choice as to what we believe in so our love for Him will be as genuine as His love for us.

How can we extend our love other than by getting more involved in His Word? How can we demonstrate His love other than by following His will and allowing others to see it? How can we depend on that love other than by having faith to stand by it? God is with us, we must not be against Him!

Points to Ponder:
Can others depend on your promises?

Has God ever given you a reason not to trust His promises?