Wednesday 29 Nov 2017

November 29: John 12:34-36

Key Verse: John 12:36
“Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.

Just because you heard someone talking about a subject which was new to you, does that make you an expert in said subject? We may think that about some people who rabbit on about things which they know very little of, but we can see they do not know the whole truth. As Christians we have already got to the point where we believe Christ is real, that He has died and risen again and He did so for our sins. We have realised His sacrifice and have asked for His forgiveness... but that does not make us an expert on the scriptures!

God wants us to be able to stand up for His Word, knowing what to be able to say when we are challenged so others will not think we are the great pretenders and how we don't know what we are on about. Imagine people turning away from the gospel message just because we don't know the truth held within it! He wants us to be ready to sit down and learn from the scriptures so we will know why we became Christians and why we need to give others the truth. We may not have needed much convincing, but others around may well have to – who better than us to learn and pass on the required knowledge?

Here we see how Christ was trying to let the people know how the scriptures held the truth of what was going to happen. About how He would have to face amazing suffering and death... just for them... just for us... He did not want to shout in their faces about how He was going to pay an awful price, but He wanted them to be prepared for what was to happen. He wanted them to know they can depend on the scriptures and how they need to study them to become knowledgeable and to be prepared for what lies ahead. We are still waiting for His second coming. We still need to be prepared!

Points to Ponder:
How much time do you spend learning about life?

How much time do you spend learning about God?