Monday 5 Feb 2018

February 5: Romans 10:18-21

Key Verse: Romans 10:20
And Isaiah boldly says, “I was found by those who did not seek me; I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me.”

Faith comes by hearing and the only way that is going to happen is if people go out and take the gospel with them. This is a bit of a sore point with the Jews because they (forgive me for generalising) did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah and would not take out the word to others; they seemingly did not want to teach the gentiles their sacred ways. When Jesus told the disciples to go out into the world and teach, they knew He was talking about all the tribes of Israel – all the Jews. This was going to be a hard enough task for them to accomplish. Jesus also sent some out to go to the gentiles and spread the word, specifically Paul!

It is little wonder then that some Jews do get upset with what has happened. They indeed are the chosen race, chosen by God; but many are amongst those that have rejected Him. Why? Because it went against all the things they had grown used to doing; the extra laws they had made up for themselves to separate themselves from the world.

God continues to show His extraordinary grace and patience to all of us. Christ went to the cross to pay for our sin debt, but He continues to see people rejecting Him all around. People from all around the world have now come to know Christ as Saviour, but so many more still refuse to believe the simple truth. Man's disobedience seems to grow year after year with more people leading more sinful lives; but Christ continues to show His love to each and every one of us so that we can have that chance of getting to know Him.

Nothing we can do will ever overcome that love and mercy He has. Nothing will ever provoke Him to kill us all off – it is well within His power to do so. We continue to have the choice of believing in Him so we can be saved from our own demise. We will always continue to wonder at God's grace when we continue to see man's evil ways taking over. It is only the fact that someone refuses to believe that will keep them from God's grace!

Points to Ponder:
Do you wonder if you have been too bad?

God grace is perfect and covers all of our sins!