March 31: Romans 9:14-18
Key Verse: Romans 9:18
Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
We quite often have a problem with people in charge because we think what they are doing is not right in some way. There are many cases where it is very clear just who is in the wrong and countries will go up against countries to try and restore order. In other cases, people simply get annoyed with others and take vengeance on them because of their annoyances. But between people, it is always because one side thinks or knows that the other side is wrong. What of God? What happens when we think that God is wrong? What happens when we start to think that God has it wrong because we do not like what is happening?
Well, let’s take a legitimate case where a bank raises interest rates because people are being tempted to put too much on their credit accounts. The rate at which people spend on credit then begins to fall again and people will end up doing the right thing. The people who have already over-spent will not like the fact that they have to spend more in interest, but the move is for their good – even though they cannot see it. I know I have given a very simple argument here and the money markets are far too complex (apparently) but the original ideas are the simplest!
God has all knowledge. There are no lies in Him. He does not make mistakes. We, on the other hand, all do. He told us up front He will have mercy on those He chooses and not on those we think He should. He is the one who knows what is going on, not us. He is the one showing the mercy, not us taking it! He is the one who gives us what we need in order to make our lives better for His glory. He is the one who is going to get the glory no matter what we try to do because He is in control! Stop fighting Him and go with His example and His will. That way we know we are always getting what is best for us…
Points to Ponder:
Have you listened to the Easter Story?
Will you trust our God who gave it all for you?
Saturday 31 Mar 2018
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