May 10: John 1:44-47
Key Verse: John 1:46
“Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked. “Come and see,” said Philip.
How do you pick your friends? Do you go out and meet with people who you think are going to be the right fit in your social world, or do you wait and see who you meet, or do you go out of your way to meet people from different social worlds and make friends? As part of an Eden team (The Message Trust based) we go into communities where we know there is trouble and live with the people to give them hope.
Jesus went out of His own social world and met with people who God knew would make amazing disciples who would make a difference. When we look at the people He chose, it is not a list of scholars as we might pick, not a list of popular people as we may think are needed, but a mixture of people from socially awkward places. I’m sure many people went to get fish from the fishermen who caught the fish but hanging out with them was not something on most people’s minds. Just as a tax collector was to be avoided at all costs!
Jesus wants us to put aside our views and take on the people He suggest are going to be the most useful to spread the gospel. We need to put aside our impressions and listen to the truth from Christ. I know, first hand, that this is hard to do; and going against the perceived view of friends who are not in the same boat as you is difficult. But God knows so much more than we do and knows the people who will make the biggest impressions on the local societies.
God’s view of us is very different from our view. We see what is happening here and now and base our impressions on what has happened in the near and distant past. God bases His decisions on what He knows can happen in the future. I say what can happen, because if we do not pick up the mantle and follow God’s instructions, how are those people going to get to know God. He has chosen us to do strange things – listen and obey.
Points to Ponder:
Do you ever mix with people outside your circle of friends?
Will you make an effort to make a friend for God?
Thursday 10 May 2018
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