Saturday 9 Jun 2018

June 9: Matthew 23:25-26

Key Verse: Matthew 23:26
Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

This is just one of the crimes of the Pharisees listed here, but it is one that to me needs a bit of thought and draws parallels with our modern lives. So many people like to display a different image to the outside world from what they are like on the inside. It has almost become an art form where you have a public image and a private image. This used to be the art of the actor where they would portray a person on stage or film which was not themselves. Now, however, more and more people are doing this in their normal lives. How then are we supposed to work out if they are genuine or not?

Our lives seem to be surrounded by people who have “double standards”, even companies which have them too. People can no longer be described by how they are at home and business because they seem to be two different people. But, to me, Jesus was pointing out the fact that we are all guilty of either living double lives, or guilty of living with double standards. He could see what the people were like on the inside and could also see the public image they were portraying. Other people would only see the public image that was meant to be seen and would not know what the person was actually like. Is that not living a lie? Is that not the same as telling a constant stream of lies to everyone around you?

If we think we may be guilty of this in our lives, then how much of this has crept into our spiritual lives? How much of our double lives has begun to soak into our spiritual lives? Are we now the equal of the Pharisees, showing others we live a life for Christ but secretly work against Him. Or worse still, only love Jesus in secret and live a life against Him. If we want to be honest with Christ, then we have to start by making sure honesty starts on the inside, just as you would make sure you cleaned a cup on the inside if you wished to drink from it.

Points to Ponder:
Do you portray the same image as you really are?

Christ never relayed a false image!