Sunday 18 Nov 2018

November 18: Romans 12:9-16

Key Verse: Romans 12:9
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Are you someone who finds it easy to say “I love you” or one that finds it difficult? Another question people may well confuse with that same question is “are you sincere about it?” We all have our ways of showing love towards others but making sure they know your love to them is sincere, free from deceit and meaningful is the most important part of that love. What is love if it is not shown? What are people going to think of us if we tell them on one hand we love them but then take things from them with the other hand or treat them badly? What are people going to think of our love if we have string attached to it? Our love has to be shown as free from strings, without limit, true, enduring and without expecting things in return – then it can be trusted and believed.

When we tell someone we love Christ, then should show them we have that same love we would show to anyone else. It is no use saying we are Christians if we are not going to act like Christians. Part of being a Christian is showing love without restraints to Christ and to His people, that means everyone! Our duty towards each other can only be summed up in one word – Love. If we do not have love, then we cannot say we are true followers of Christ.

But what good would all the love in the world be without us having that same love towards God; true, sincere, without deceit, enduring, faithful love towards the One who has shown and proven His love towards us. We need to put aside our prideful ways and deceitful thoughts and come to Christ with open hearts accepting His love and returning it too. Being able to show others you are in a loving relationship with Christ will mean more than the words you can come up with to tell them of it. Showing others you love and respect them will allow them to know love and respect without it being empty words.

Points to Ponder:
How do you show your love?

Do you show others that you love God?