December 10: Psalm 119:1-8
Key Verse: Psalm 119:6
Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands.
I often wonder how long it took the writers of the bible to put pen to paper and write down the words God was giving them. Each time I sit down to write a devotion I give my time to God; it is no use putting a time limit on it because that is bound to fail. It could be a quick half hour, or it could be a quick two hours, for both are quick when you are focused on His Word... Yes, I have been late for work in the past because of the amount of reading it has taken me before I understood what God wanted me to say. The point I am trying to make is that we should not limit our time with God by earthly means; don’t set a time limit for God. Rather allow God to explain what He wants to you and in His time. Being with God is very special and being in His Word is just as special.
“O that my ways were fixed to keep Your Precepts!” What a statement! That is giving God the glory for all He does for us and being humble and knowing we always do fall short of the mark, no matter how hard we try. But try we must. And in order to try, we have to know the limits, we have to know the bounds, and we have to know God’s will in our lives – which comes from His Word. We know He is merciful towards sinners such as us. We know He is faithful and just towards us too.
We need to be careful to avoid sin because that is what weakens us in our walk with God. We need to strengthen ourselves by allowing His Word to build us up and encourage us day by day. It’s not unlike an exercise regime whereby we have to keep it up in order to become fit. Once we get used to the exercise, we will find it can be a joy and not a hardship. God has given us the commandments so we can keep them and identify when we go astray. When we can know that we are keeping His commandments, we will know that we do not have to be ashamed and we walk with Him. It is very easy to allow the world to get to grips with us rather than us to get to grips with God’s Word. Fight the good fight!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you do any exercise?
How often do you give quality time to God?
Monday 10 Dec 2018
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