December 19: John 3:7-15
Key Verse: John 3:12
I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?
Birth is an amazing event. I think everyone should be allowed to witness a birth at some stage in their life – I know a lot of people will not be able to put up with the messy parts, but seeing a new-born child breath their first breaths is just amazing! Many of us will get to see something close to that on TV nowadays because of the amount of information spread through the media, but it is not the same as being there. At that moment we put aside the pains we have witnessed (or endured) during labour, we put aside the pains of the country and the possible pains of what may be to come in the future and focus on that single, pure event.
When we talk about being born again it is an event which you yourself can witness because you are there! It is an event that is pure and one which allows you to focus on the now and not the past or future. The wonderful difference is the future suddenly seems secure... That moment when you tell God you want Him in your life and you admit to being the sinner you are; God is just and faithful to bring you into His fold, a fold you will never have to leave.
I am pretty sure that Jesus’ birth would have been something extra special for His parents, but there was a far greater need for His birth which we too often forget or put aside. Our bibles give us all the details about just how special His birth was, but unless we read about it and take it to heart, we will not be able to accept that gift God gave us. It may be hard for us to accept some of the wonders of this world unless we see them or read about them; God’s world is not different – we have to learn about it too. He will give us the understanding we seek and He, through the Holy Spirit, will guide us. Reading about Christ’s birth and remembering it (even if it is only once or twice a year) will strengthen us and will remind us that through Him we do have everlasting life!
Points to Ponder:
What parts of the bible do you find hard to believe?
How can you believe it unless you read about it?
Wednesday 19 Dec 2018
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