November 2: Deuteronomy 5:8-10
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 5:8
You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
How many times do you have to be told something before it sinks in and you do it? I know I am guilty of ignoring what people have said only to find out later I should have listened in the first place! I would not have had to spend so much time in hospital if I had listened to the people around me telling me I need to go and see a doctor! Don’t feel so guilty about the things you have not done when you should have – change now and make the difference in your life because it will help the people around you more than you know!
This time Moses had gathered the people together again to go over the Ten Commandments because many did not listen the first time and needed to be reminded! God is going to allow people into our lives who will remind us of the things we aught to be doing – we may not like what they say at first and we may even object to them saying things, but when God has required it, it must be done!
Well, how do we keep focused on God and find out what He wants in our lives? We need to lose focus on the things we have built up and the distractions we have succumbed to. Too often in our lives we keep an old habit going or look to something in our lives which pleases us rather than looking for God and guidance from Him; after all, it is much easier to give in and follow the crowd than to stand up and listen to God!
Too often it is the physical things in our lives which distract us. We may not see them as idols or graven images, but in reality, we are keeping our focus on those physical things rather than the spiritual things of God. It may be something simple like a special game we support which gains our focus more than God… How much time do you actually give to God each day? Do you put aside the physical distractions and allow that time to be filled with God and His word, or do you allow those distractions to take precedence?
Points to Ponder:
When you ‘do a devotion’ do you give that time to God?
Will you give some time over to God today; I mean really give it over?
Saturday 2 Nov 2019
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