Wednesday 4 Dec 2019

December 4: Psalm 106:34-39

Key Verse: Psalm 106:36
They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them.

Whilst we may look at things like this and decide the people of that time were quite barbaric, it is the same thing which happens to us nowadays but in a slightly different guise. We think we are strong enough to go into a new area and make a difference, but pretty soon we fall into many of the habits and ways of the local people; those very same habit we thought we could persuade the people to give up!

God is the one with 20/20 vision. We just see what it is like after the fact, but when we are faced with the people and the way they live, we tend to try and fit in by giving in to those habits and ways. God could see this was a trap so many of would fall into and gave us words like these in our bibles to remind us we are not as strong as we think we are!

One way you can help avoid falling into this trap is by going into an area with a team of like-minded people. If we try to go it alone, we may well give in to the local ways just because it is easy; but when we go in with a team of people, we can help to encourage each other to do what is right with God and not to give in to the people. We may look at the old testament days and comment how the Israelite were one huge team of people who should not have given in… but as soon as we leave God out of one position in our lives, we give in to more and more!

God does not want us to be guilty of wrecking other people’s lives just because we are trying to sort our own life out. He has given us the scriptures to guide us through rough and tough times and to try and avoid the pitfalls many people fall into when they don’t know any better. We need to share the gospel story with people to show them they have a choice and they have someone who is willing to guide them every step of the way.

Just how far would you go before you realised things were not right? I like to think we would not sacrifice our children to other gods just to fit in… but just how much do those other things add up to? When you give in with a bit more swearing, a little cursing and a drink or two too many, are you still in control or have you given control to someone else?

Points to Ponder:
Do you think you have a strong will?

Is your will as strong as the evil ones?