Saturday 14 Dec 2019

December 14: Psalms 119:97-104

Key Verse: Psalms 119:101
I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word.

There is so much for us to learn from our bibles and the more we read them the more we remember the scriptures; those same scriptures which make us wiser than people who would work against us and against God… but still we have doubts about how much we know and whether it will be of any use! If we simply remember one key passage from our bibles, we can tell people the passage and share or enthusiasm with them. People will be encouraged by something simple like that!

But when we open ourselves up to worldly ways we tend to forget about the bible and don’t share what we have learned with others; like we are withdrawing from our position of strength and siding with the evil one instead. As long as we are willing to try and keep away from the evil ways, we will be more apt to remember the scriptures we have learned and more able to then pass on those words of wisdom to others.

It is not our words which are going to make the biggest difference but the word of God which will make the biggest difference when we use it and tell others of it. The more we remember it the more likely we are to obey it, or to go along with what we have learned from it. The more we keep the words of our bibles in our hearts, the more we are going to be encouraged by it and the more likely we are going to be able to avoid the evil ways.

The most important thing I remember about the scriptures is that the more I learn, the more I love the bible and the more willing I am to obey what I read; this is how God draws us closer to Him and enables us to spend quality time with Him. I can remember being told the word of God was sweeter than honey and wondering how it could be. But the more I get to learn, the more I love it and the sweeter it becomes to read it every day.

Points to Ponder:
Do you like to read?

How often do you read your bible?