Saturday 4 Apr 2020

April 4: Titus 2:11-15

Key Verse: Titus 2:12
It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,

Have you been tempted to do things you know are not right just because you are isolated and nobody else can see you doing things? I’m pretty sure we all have at least thought of things even if we cannot go out and do things! This is why our bibles, God’s Word, are so important in our lives. Without others to temper our thoughts and deeds, we need something we can cling to which is our guide through the rough times and our direction for the good times!

This is a long wait, sitting around inside thinking we have nothing to do and nowhere to go – but there is a lot of things we can do around the house which we may well have been putting off for a long time. Now is the time to get on and do things – because we know it is the right thing to do. I am getting fitter each day and was able to get stuck into a bit of gardening the other day, something I have not been able to do for more than a year! Yes, there is still a lot more I have to do in the garden to straighten it out again, but we will get there…

We have this HOPE in Christ, the promise of His return to us, the sure thing which is going to happen! If that is not enough to spurn you on to get on and do something which you have put off for far too long, then we have to dig a bit deeper! Yes, that first step is hard and it will take a lot of effort – you may even have back-ache or some other ache because you have not done that sort of exercise for a long time… but it is worth it!

Then there is our spiritual exercise which we may well have neglected too; time we need to set aside from our ‘busy’ lives at home and direct it toward and for God and for our spiritual growth. It will be hard to get back into things because we have not done this correctly for a while, but starting it is what counts and it sets us on the right path to walk closely with God – especially in our times at home!

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel like you have nothing to do?

When was the last time you sat and read a chapter of the bible?