May 21: John 3:16-18
Key Verse: John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
I thought it time to visit some of my favourite verses in our Bible; these are the first verses I learned off by heart and they have stuck with me through all my time since coming to know Christ! I actually learned them because I had to, but did not understand the full gravity of these words until a few years after I had learned them...
This is, unfortunately, part of the way we live nowadays. We learn things and do things because we are told to. We learn how to reply to things because that way we will pass the test of being asked the question – but that is not real in a sense it is just like a machine learning to respond to pre-set questions. The more I get to know God, the more I want to explore different ways of being with Him and different ways in which we can relate to Him.
Life should not be a pre-learned response to a set of pre-set questions. Life just isn’t like that. We get to face issues we have not faced before and get to confront new ways of seeing things. We have to adapt to life as we live it. The wonderful thing about God’s word is it isn’t a text book we have to learn verbatim! We get to use it to guide us in life. God has given us this perfect set of scripture so we can face up to almost anything; and when we reach a point we don’t understand, we need to leave it up to God to guide us through the problems.
Jesus did not come to put us all to death for the sins we have done, are doing and will do… He came to set us free from those sins so we don’t have to live that way any more. If we choose to ignore this truth, then we are condemning ourselves to live by human laws which we know to be faulty and we will die confined by those laws; but if we choose to accept God’s Word as the truth, then it will set us free from this trap we set for ourselves – all because God knew what we needed!
Points to Ponder:
Do you ever despair at the way politicians try to bend the laws?
Do you know God’s law never changes?
Thursday 21 May 2020
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