May 28: Romans 8:37-39
Key Verse: Romans 8:39
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
When we look at the love we have or have had for other people, we may question what love is because so many relationships and friendships end with cruel break-ups which have nothing to do with love. I know I have looked back on past relationships and wondered how I could have thought I was in love knowing what has happened since then, but then I also look back and see how easy it is to look past grievances and uphold love in stressful times!
The writer here expresses his opinion of how the love which God shows toward us should never end, but he does so in a way which makes us stop and think. There is nothing he can imagine which could stop the love God has for us. Nothing here on earth and nothing up there in Heaven or anywhere in between! This is not the same as our earthly ‘loves’ because we can imagine what would happen if we broke up and we do have such imaginations even in the greatest relationships we have.
I continue to marvel at this love God has for us and I continue to be astounded by it after seeing how He has loved me during my ups and downs in my relationship with Him. His love has never wavered but mine has been a bit of a roller-coaster at times! For anyone to be able to love me knowing my faults and knowing the things I do wrong is so very special to me and keeps me going in my rough times.
Because of this love we are ‘more than conquerors’ as described in these verses. The power and strength we get from this love and relationship with God means we can achieve so much more than we could if we were not in a relationship with God. The encouragement and strength I have received means I am able to stand up and pass on that love to the people around me – even though I know I don’t deserve the love, it continues to rain down on me!
Points to Ponder:
Name one thing you have done wrong in an earthly relationship!
God still loves you even though you have done more to Him!
Thursday 28 May 2020
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