June 8: Isaiah 11:1-5
Key Verse: Isaiah 11:3
and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;
Far too often we use what we see or what we hear against other people just because we have made a judgment based on those things. Unfortunately what we see and what we hear are not always the truth because we see and hear from other people who may well be showing us or telling us a lie. But Jesus came to this earth as a human and was able to step aside from the judgmental attitude of human beings and uphold God’s righteousness!
How was He able to do this when we fall so far short of the mark? How was Jesus, born as a human, able to step out of the judgmental life we all lead? He did so by always focusing on what God wanted and always listening to God before others!
If we are able to just sit still and listen out for God’s instruction and His teaching for one minute each day, I’m sure we will start to walk forward in God’s light and not in the darkness of this world! We need to switch on the light that is Christ in our lives and allow Him to convert us. We need to listen out for the Holy Spirit and allow Him to teach us and to guide us in everything. We need to focus on God almighty and make sure we have a life with Him set as our goal in this life!
We have so many people around us who are in desperate need. We have so many people who we don’t hear about in the news who are simply trying to stay alive in this so-called caring world we live in. The problem is too many people are focusing on the false media drowning our societies instead of upholding what is righteous in God’s eyes. If God wanted to, He could wipe us out in one breath, but He chooses to love us and to try and encourage us to live in His righteous ways instead of being consumed by the worldly ways. Do what is right!
Points to Ponder:
How often do we turn a blind eye to something just because it is hard?
Will you say ‘Here I am, use me’ to God today?
Monday 8 Jun 2020
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