June 18: Mark 6:7-11
Key Verse: Mark 6:9
Wear sandals but not an extra shirt.
Now, this was not a literal command for all Christians to wear sandals and not an extra shirt, but rather a command for us to get out there into the world without having to lug round all our creature comforts. Life is not all about being as comfortable as you can make it without regard to others. Life is all about living with others and being part of their lives. Life is about including everyone who is willing to be included and sharing life together.
How many things do you pack before you go on holiday? Do you make sure you have all of your comforts met by the amount of stuff you take with you, or do you take the bare basics and make do with what you have? Well, Jesus was telling these disciples to not pack bags but to just get out there and spread the gospel. If people do want to hear about God then they will be willing to open up their lives a little to allow you to work with them. It’s not about enforcing your way on others to prove them wrong!
I see what is happening in society at the moment and I am dismayed there are people out there who refuse to believe there is a crisis happening right now, one which has been brewing for hundreds of years and has had far too many people turn a blind eye or even support the wrongful suppression of a human beings right to live as equals. Far too often people hang on to the riches they have gained and refuse to let them go in fear of not having those luxuries to live with.
Jesus wants us to live a life which is similar to the one chosen for the disciples to live, one where they could go out and share their lives without worry or shame for what they were doing. A life where Jesus Christ is at the centre and is the cornerstone upon which everything should be built. It is not our job to build up enough resources to carry others or to make others successful. It is our task to share Christ with everyone who is willing to listen and to live a life which simply gives glory to Him at all times.
Points to Ponder:
Are you worried about your bank balance?
Will you willingly share your bank balance with Christ?
Thursday 18 Jun 2020
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