June 21: John 6:60-66
Key Verse: John 6:66
From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
One of the hardest things to accept is a person who once believed everything you said, turning their back on you and saying they no longer believe you. If you had given them a reason to turn away such as telling a lie, then you have nobody but yourself to blame. But if you have continued to tell them the whole truth, how do you come to terms with this? The answer is a difficult one to accept, but one we will have to face as Christians from time to time. We have to accept some people just do not want to know the truth when the truth gets hard to accept into their lives...
If we had built our lives on bending the truth all the time, then we would find it very hard to straighten our act up and accept the truth – because that is not what we are used to and not what we have accepted up until the point where we heard the actual truth! We are going to face many people who will say they believe in God and who say and do the right things, but when they have to face the truth, they will turn their backs on God and go their own way.
Let us not tar everyone with this same brush. If we had lived our whole lives in the dark, accepting the light is difficult and living in it a long hard slog. In this case we may well creep back into a dark corner now and again just to get some rest from the bright light which is showing up every little thing we do wrong! But when we do, God knows what is in our hearts and He will extend out His arms to welcome us back every time we walk away – that is His love!
When we see the truth of how much life the spirit gives us, we will be more inclined to allow the light to shine so the spirit can guide us in the light. The light may well be too bright for us to accept at first, we have to become acclimatised to the light. We may well have to accept it in small doses at first otherwise we become totally lost; but the light is the only thing which will show us the correct way to go.
Points to Ponder:
Do you still shy away from the light?
Will you ask the spirit to hold your hand and guide you when the light is too bright?
Sunday 21 Jun 2020
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