July 20: Isaiah 44:6-8
Key Verse: Isaiah 44:6
This is what the Lord says - Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.
And when God asks you to do something for Him… what is your response going to be? I think we would all like to think we would jump up and down for joy at being asked to do something for God and go right ahead and do it… But we are facing all manner of things which work against God in our lives and He may well choose one of those things to either work against or to talk against!
I can remember the horror of being asked to come to London to do God’s work here, and not only that, but to be on one of the estates which was in the top ten worst estates just a decade ago! But God’s timing and His will can give us the strength to do many things if we are willing. There is no one like our God and we need to remember that every day!
OK, so it may have been meeting the local people and finding out how great the takeaways were which finally persuaded me – but God knew what would make me happy and He already had everything in place before I got here. He had even sent me on mission trips with others working in very deprived and unloved areas to prepare me for what was ahead. He taught me there is still love here despite what everyone else talks about!
God may well ask you to do something which you don’t like the sound of, but being patient and listening to Him each step of the way will allow you to do things which you never would have dreamed of doing before… It is God who can do amazing things and has done so much before us to try and convince us. We just need to take that first step and trust Him!
Points to Ponder:
Do you get scared when you do something new?
How willing are you to fully trust God?
Monday 20 Jul 2020
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