July 26: Psalm 105:1-4
Key Verse: Psalm 105:4
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.
How do you re-connect with God after a bad experience? How do you try to get over what has happened and move forward? Well, it is God alone who will be able to allow you to do this because no matter how strong you think you are as a human, the only thing you can achieve is human sized and getting back to God is a whole new matter. I thank God He continues to allow me to remember this and allows me to grow stronger with Him every day.
I’ve lived in the world, lost my way with God, gone off on a long walk without Him and never gave it much of a thought. That’s the thing, when you do walk off on your own, you look for things to occupy your mind and try to fill your heart with all manner of earthly distractions. When you hit another wall you realise it was all a bit much and forget about all which has gone before and all you see is the wall!
God wants to lift you up over the wall and allow you to see what is on the other side. When you do get a glimpse of the other side, you can then lift up a word of praise to God – that will lead to another word and maybe even a song. The song will lift up your heart and allow you to remember all the wonderful things God has done for you in the past; things to look forward to once again.
Look to the Lord, not in your own strength, but for the strength to be able to hold your head up so you can praise Him and continue to lift up your head to look at Him face to face. God wants to continue His personal relationship with you every day and allow you to have many reasons to praise Him, sing to Him and give Him the glory!
Points to Ponder:
Whose strength do you rely on day by day?
Will you start depending more on God’s strength today?
Sunday 26 Jul 2020
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