Monday 19 May 2008

Monday Reading: Matthew 7 7-11
Key Verse: Matthew 7 7
7  Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.
If you need it and you don’t have it, then you either have to work for it or ask for it! But there is always going to be things that you can never work for. Love and kindness are things that you work at, not for. Presents are things given without asking. There are many ways in which we can achieve things in our lives.
As a child, one needs to make sure that your parents know where you are at, that they know what your needs are. When you are very small, they have to do much of the thinking for you. But as you grow up, that thinking process becomes more and more your own task until it gets times when you are faced with leaving home. At that stage it is expected that you should have picked up enough knowledge to be able to go out and fend for yourself. But still, there may well be things that you have to ask of your parents from time to time… There are also many times when you may well wish that you were still a child and that you could go back to your parents and have them to do the minding once again.
When we start our lives with Christ, we start as babies and we depend on Him for everything. The wide differential between Him and us means that we never truly grow up from being a child. If we think we have grown up and try to leave, we will very quickly find out that we are still children and that we cannot cope without Him. We try to go out alone and find out that the world is actually too much to deal with – that is when we realise we are still children and children need their parents protection and help.
What we also need to remember is that despite us being the naughty children that we are, He continues to love us and protect us; He continues to want us to ask of Him always. That is when we need to go to Him in humble and frequent prayer.
Points to Ponder:
Do or did you like living at home with your parents?
How much more can you love living with Christ?