Sunday 27 Apr 2008

Sunday Reading: John 12 1-7
Key Verse: John 12 5
5  Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?
How often are we so caught up in things that we forget the more important things in our lives? How often do you get so caught up in playing games or doing something that you enjoy that you forget the time? How often have you been so engrossed with something that you really enjoy that you forgot to do something for the people that you love? I’m sure we can all put our hands up and say that we have been guilty of that at one time or another… I know that my work does tend to over-run my life at times!
We all have special people in our lives; most of us would hold our families or partners above all other people. But where do we hold God?
Martha and Mary reacted to Jesus’ miracle in very different ways. Both ways were right. When we have someone do something for us, we are more than willing to do something for them. I am sure that both would not have known how they could ever repay Jesus for bringing Lazarus back to life, but they tried in their own ways. Martha wanted to make sure that Jesus was treated as best as possible, rushing round and getting everything physically possible together to cater for every need that she could think of. I’m pretty sure that anyone would have been impressed with what she had done. Mary, on the other hand, reacted in a very personal way, opening a very valuable jar of ointment and anointing the feet of Jesus with it.
Judas Iscariot reacted in a very earthly manner demanding an explanation for the waste of money! How many of you have had your parents shout at you for doing something that you thought was quite legitimate? Judas did not see the absolute love that Mary displayed; all he saw was money being poured down the drain!
Showing your love for someone does not have to be through the most expensive gift you can buy. It can be through a single simple action that shows that you do think of them! Show Jesus that you care for Him today…
Points to Ponder:
How do you like showing people that you care for them?
How often do you make a point of making sure that God comes first?