Thursday 15 November 2007

Thursday Reading: Psalm 78:9-18
Key Verse: Psalms 78 18
18  And they tempted God in their heart by asking food for their lust.
Oh how easy people forget. It does not take too much to make a man look the other way, to ignore something or to put it behind him. It does not take too much to make man forget about the troubles he has been through, about the trials he has had to face. But let there be a bit more trouble and pretty soon he will start to recall the things of the past and remember just who has done what for him.
We are so easily distracted from our walk with God. It can be the smallest of things that turns our head for a moment, that moment when we should have been communing with God. It does not take too much of a distraction to get us thinking about what could have been or what could be... if only... Yet none of those distractions will come from the One who loves you. None of them will come from the One who cares. None will come from the One who wants to protect you. God will not tempt you!
Those distraction will come thick and fast just when we don't need them. They will come flooding in when we are at our weakest point. They will come to trip us up when we walk, push us down when we stagger and kick us when we are down. That is because they come from one who hates us because we know God's truth. We know that compared to God, Satan is weak, but he knows our weaknesses. We know he does not care for us like God, but he will pretend to care when we need to hear it. We will be easily persuaded, because we lust after more than we need. Our weakness will be our downfall unless we use our weakness to find our strength. When we know we are tempted, we need to turn to God. When we know we are lusting, we need to turn to Him. When we are feeling down, we know He will be there. He will not pretend, nor leave us to fend for ourselves. God is our refuge. God is our strength. He has already proven it. Remember His Word, lest we forget His love.
Points to Ponder:
What do your friends have to do for you before you trust them?
How much more does God have to do for you before you see the truth?