Saturday Reading: Matthew 5 13-16
Key Verse: Matthew 5 16
16  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
One of the simplest things on earth, salt. How easy it is to overlook is, yet how essential it is to so many things. If we are going to use salt to keep the roads clear of ice, we have to spread it before the ice comes; but the dirt that is spread has to have enough salt content otherwise it will not work. If we are going to use it as a flavouring, we have to make sure we have a salt that is clean so that we can eat it. But if we were to sprinkle something that looked like salt on our food but did not taste like it, we may as well put anything on – we would have lost the point of the salt.
Amazingly, Jesus describes us as the salt of the earth. We, Christians, are that important part, to be used in so many ways – but to be used in the right way, we have to consist of the right ingredients.
Jesus also describes us as the light of the world. If we want to light up a room enough to see things at night, then we place the light in a place where it will do the most good. If we want to shed light over something, it is no good hiding that light behind something!
Jesus makes sure that we, Christians, can continue a life here on earth so that we can be used for the right reasons. He wants us to be able to add the right ingredients into other peoples lives so that we can be useful to them. He wants us to be able to shed light into their lives so that they will be able to see the obstacles that lie in their paths. He wants us to be able to show people how to avoid those obstacles. He wants us to be able to show them that He, God, cares! If we are willing to be Christians, then we should be willing to take on a way of life that God would be able to use to show others how great it is to know that He is our Awesome God!
Points to Ponder:
Do you cook in the dark with no spices?
Why should we hide God's light when everyone could come to it?